赵晓礼 研究员








       赵晓礼,男,1984年生,博士生导师,基础研究领域聚焦于高性能聚氨酯弹性体材料的设计和开发,从分子结构设计出发,通过调控凝聚态结构,揭示材料功能与分子链结构和凝聚态结构之间的关联,指导高性能聚氨酯弹性体材料的开发;在工程应用领域主要致力于揭示使役工况下材料疲劳失效机制,建立材料性能与力学结构的耦合设计方案,解决我国国防和高端民用领域对高性能聚氨酯的迫切需求,解决重要工程和国防装备应用中的“卡脖子”问题,建立从基础研究到实际应用的完整链条。主持了国家自然科学基金、国家基础加强计划重点基础研究项目(173首席)、中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划、吉林省自然科学基金、广东省应用型科技研发专项资金项目等基础型和应用型项目。以第一或通讯作者在Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., small, Tribol. Int.等国际著名杂志上发表论文30余篇;申请中国发明专利21项,美国专利一项,欧盟专利一项。2014年获吉林省自然科学一等奖(5/5),2016年获吉林省青年科技奖-创新团队奖(骨干),2018年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会,2020年获吉林省“18条”B类人才计划,2021年入选中科院青年创新促进会/基础研究领域稳定支持-青年团队计划。



1.   The comprehensive effect of tensile strength and modulus on abrasive wear performance for polyurethanes CaijunDing, ZeyuXing, ZehaoWang, ZezhaoQin, JieWang, XiaoliZhao, XiaoniuYang, Tribology International, 2022, 169, 107459

2.     Preparation of PolyurethaneUrea Elastomers Using Low Molecular Weight Aliphatic Diamines Enabled by Reversible CO2 Chemistry. Bo Zhang, Xiaoxiao Li, Yumeng Tian, Jie Wang, Xiaoli Zhao*, Xiaoniu Yang*. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2020, 221 (13). 

3.     Improving Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Restricting the Rotation of Side Chain on Small Molecule Acceptor. Jinyang Ouyang, Bo Zhang, Guang Zeng, Jidong Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao*, Xiaoniu Yang*. Sol. RRL 2020, 4 (11).

4.     A New Copolymer Based on D-π-A or D-A-π Repeat Unit for Polymer Solar Cells Employing Non-halogenated Solvents. Yue Xin, Guang Zeng, Jidong Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao* and Xiaoniu Yang*. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6(20): 9561-9568.

5.     A New Copolymer Based on D-π-A or D-A-π Repeat Unit for Polymer Solar Cells Employing Non-halogenated Solvents. Yue Xin, Guang Zeng, Jidong Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao* and Xiaoniu Yang*. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6(20): 9561-9568.

6.     Efficient Non-Fullerene Organic Photovoltaic Modules Incorporating As-Cast and Thickness-Insensitive Photoactive Layers. Tong Zhang, Guang Zeng, Feng Ye, Xiaoli Zhao* and Xiaoniu Yang*. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8(25): 1801387.

7.     Achieving an Efficiency Exceeding 10% for Fullerene-based Polymer Solar Cells Employing Thick Active Layer via Tuning Molecular Weight. Zelin Li, Dalei Yang, Xiaoli Zhao*, Tong Zhang, Jidong Zhang and Xiaoniu Yang*. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28(6): 1705257.

8.     High-Performance Additive-/Post-Treatment-Free Nonfullerene Polymer Solar Cells via Tuning Molecular Weight of Conjugated Polymers. Zelin Li, Dalei Yang, Tong Zhang, Jidong Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao* and Xiaoniu Yang*. Small 2018, 14(16): 1704491. 

9.     Ternary Organic Solar Cells with >11% Efficiency Incorporating Thick Photoactive Layer and Nonfullerene Small Molecule Acceptor. Tong Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao*, Dalei Yang, Yumeng Tian and Xiaoniu Yang*. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8(4): 1701691

10.  Side-Chain Engineering for Enhancing the Thermal Stability of Polymer Solar Cells. Zidong Li, Fan Wu, Hongying Lv, Dalei Yang, Zhaobin Chen, Xiaoli Zhao* and Xiaoniu Yang*. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27(43): 6999-7003.


