


  报告题目:Contact Line Dynamics in Polymeric Materials

  报 告 人:Prof. Masao Doi

  单  位:北京航空航天大学

  报告时间:2014年6月17日 (星期二)上午9:00


  土井正男(Masao Doi)教授是世界著名的软物质物理、高分子物理和流变学专家。目前是日本流变学会主席、丰田物理和化学研究所研究员、日本最高科技勋章-紫綬褒章获得者。土井正男教授曾获英国物理学会名誉学人称号,美国物理学会高分子物理奖,美国流变学会宾厄姆奖,日本高分子科学学会奖,日本流变学会青年奖,日本 IBM 科学奖等学界著名奖项和荣誉称号。

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  报告题目:Novel Optical Properties of Nanomaterials and Their Energy and Biomedical Applications

  报 告 人:Prof. Jinzhong Zhang

  单  位:University of California Santa Cruz, USA

  报告时间:2014年6月17日 (星期二)下午15:30


  The Zhang research group is primarily interested in the design, development, characterization,and application of advanced materials with emphasis on optical and electronic nanomaterials(nanocrystals or quantom dots) of both semiconductors and metals. These nanomaterials have novel physical and chemical properties due to quantum confinement and exceedingly large surface to volume ratio. The design and synthesis of the materials are mostly based on inorganic colloidal chemistry methods. The synthesized materials are characterized systematically and extensively using a variety of experimental techniques including SERS (surface-enhanced Raman scattering), optical spectroscopy, ultrafast laser, x-ray (XAFS, XPS), ESR, electrochemical, and microscopy. In the meantime, the group actively explores emerging technological applications of these advanced nanomaterials in areas such as solar energy conversion, hydrogen generation and storage, cancer biomarker detection, photocatalysis, sensors, imaging, detectors, and lasers. A number of projects have been accomplished and several are currently under investigation.

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