



  报 告 人:李 涛 博 士

  单    位:美国亚利桑那大学


  报告地点:长春应化所 教育大厦6040

   报告人简介:李涛博士,山西大学学士,武汉大学硕士,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所分析化学专业博士,导师汪尔康院士。博士毕业获得中科院院长优秀奖和中科院优秀博士学位论文奖。博士毕业后获得洪堡奖学金,在德国波恩大学生命医学研究所Michael Famulok教授小组继续从事DNA逻辑计算元件、DNA纳米机器的设计开发研究工作,现在美国亚利桑那大学Sidney Hecht教授组从事博士后研究工作。研究方向主要包括生物传感器、DNA计算、DNA纳米建筑及器件和核酸多链结构功能及应用,已取得多项创新成果,在Nature Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Nano等国际权威期刊发表学术论文42篇,其中一作25篇,被引用2100余次,H-index 27。

    报告摘要:DNA nanostructures constitute attractive devices for logic computing and nanomechanics. An emerging interest is to integrate these two fields and devise intelligent DNA nanorobots. DNA G-quadruplex and i-motif are two important four-stranded DNA structures. For G-quadruplex, its structure can be tuned by K+ or Pb2+; for i-motif, its formation is dependent on the help of enough H+. A main section of my research is to use these ions as inputs to tune their structures and perform logic-gate operations. On the other hand, such structural changes can also be used for metal ion sensors. Another important aspect of my work is the programmable folding of four-stranded structures, which enables the development of some functional DNA devices. It may find more applications in the functional DNA nanotechnology.

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